Scrum for Operations & DevOps Fundamentals Certified - SCRUMstudy The SBOK® Guide is now available for download in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Deutsch, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese & Arabic!
Global Accreditation Body for Scrum and Agile Certifications

Scrum for Operations & DevOps Fundamentals Certified


Introducing the Scrum for Operations & DevOps Fundamentals Certified (SODFC) course by SCRUMstudy. This program provides insights to extend Scrum principles to business & IT Operations, and DevOps. The certification is based on the Scrum for Operations and DevOps white paper. Participants get insights into the process of optimizing workflow, enhancing quality, and aligning business goals with organizational capabilities of the organization. The certification fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, empowering organizations to stay agile and deliver exceptional value to their customers in the dynamic landscape of product development, operations management, and DevOps.

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White Paper - Extending Scrum to Operations and DevOps e-book

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Certification Prerequisite Experience Prerequisite Education Cost of Exam Maintaining certification Exam Reference
Certification Scrum for Operations & DevOps Fundamentals Certified Prerequisite Experience: Nil Prerequisite Education: SFC certified professional Cost of Exam: Free Maintaining certification Valid for lifetime. Exam Reference: Scrum for Operations & DevOps White Paper

Exam Format

  • Multiple choice
  • 30 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 21 questions need to be answered correctly to pass
  • 60 minutes duration
  • Online exam

Audience Profile

Anyone interested in knowing more about how to extend Scrum for Operations & DevOps can take up this course and exam for free.


There is no formal prerequisite for this course.

How to Apply

  1. Register for free and get SCRUMstudy primary membership.
    Primary members get free access to this course.
  1. Login and access the course. The online course includes:
    • Videos of important concepts
    • Study Guides
    • Glossary of important terms (Phone app)
  1. Take a 30-question online exam. Answer 21 out of 30 questions correctly and get recognized as "Scrum for Operations & DevOps Fundamentals Certified" by SCRUMstudy
  1. Your name will be added to the SCRUMstudyCertification Registry.
    Sample Course Completion Certificate

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