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A Brief Introduction on Principles of Scrum

Posted by SCRUMstudy® on February 05, 2023

Categories: Agile Product Owner Scrum Guide Scrum Master Scrum Team

A Brief Introduction on Principles of Scrum

“I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.’Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.” – Leonardo da Vinci, famous artist, sculptor, architect, anatomist, and botanist.

Principles have no real force except when one is well-fed. – Mark Twain, an American author

Just as persons achieve their goals in life because of following their principles to the core, SCRUM also focuses on its core set of principles which is firmly based on its framework to get a positive outcome. One of the biggest advantages of implementing SCRUM is that it can be theoretically and practically implemented in any kind of project or organization and all the principles should have been mandatorily adapted in order to confirm the correct application of SCRUM.

Although Scrum processes can be suitably modified in order to meet the requirements of the project or that of the organization which uses principles of SCRUM, it must be understood that the principles are non-negotiable and must be applied as per the guidelines. The reason for maintaining the principles and using them as per the required standards is that it gives confidence to the user.

 The Principles of SCRUM are applied for the below-mentioned aspects:

  • Programs, portfolios, and/or projects in industries or organizations (any type)
  • Products, services, or any other results that have to be delivered to business stakeholders (customers, users)
  • Projects that are irrelevant of size/ or having complex issues (a project can range from one with short duration or that has few team members to large projects with challenging issues and few hundred team members)

The Principles of SCRUM can be divided into:

Roles Guide: This part mainly focuses on the type of section/subsection which is suited for any of the core SCRUM roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Scrum Team.

Empirical Process Control: This part is important as it defines the first principle of SCRUM and the three important ideas of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

Self-organization: This part is important as it focuses on the second principle of SCRUM highlighting on the staff members who can offer higher productivity in services when they are properly organized by means of team spirit and self-ownership on a project. This mainly focuses on the new and artistic, ingenious environment which is more favorable for growth.

Collaboration: The third part which focuses mainly on product development as a shared value-creation process. For this process to be successful, all the business stakeholders should work and interact together in order to deliver the greatest value.

Value-based Prioritization: Known as the fourth section in the principles of SCRUM, it mainly concentrates on the framework of SCRUM in order to provide the optimum business value in the least possible time.

Time-Boxing: after the four principles of SCRUM, this section treats time as a limited constraint.

The other two principles are Iterative Development and SCRUM vs. Traditional Project Management