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Scrum Development: What’s involved and Scrum artifacts

Posted by SCRUMstudy® on March 06, 2023

Categories: Product Backlog Product Owner Release Scrum Scrum Team

Scrum Development: What’s involved and Scrum artifacts

The Scrum model recommends that projects advancement occurs through a series of sprints. In tune with an agile procedure, sprints are allotted a fixed period of time which won’t be rarely a month long, most commonly two weeks.

Scrum procedure endorses for a complete planning at the start of the sprint, where team members decide how many items they can achieve to, and based upon that a sprint backlog is created – a list of the tasks to be performed during the sprint.

The Scrum team takes a few features to be coded and to be tested during each sprint. Once these features are completed, they are integrated into an evolving product or system.

Every day during the sprint, all the team members need to attend a daily Scrum meeting, which should include the Scrum Master and the product owner. This meeting is timed to 15 minutes or less. During that meeting, team members share what they did on the prior day, what they would be doing on that day, and to find out any hindrances to progress.

The Scrum model sees daily meetings as a way to integrate the work of team members as they discuss the task of the sprint. After each sprint finishes, the team performs a sprint analysis during which the team explains the new process to the product owner or any other business stakeholder who wants to provide feedback that could influence the next sprint.

This feedback session within Scrum software development may follow in changes to the newly delivered process, but it may also result in reviewing or adding items to the product backlog.

The meeting in the Scrum Project Management provides an opportunity to focus on the sprint that has ended, and to find out the different opportunities to improve.

The Scrum Artifacts:

The first and foremost artifact in Scrum development is, certainly, the product itself. According to the Scrum model at the end of each sprint, the team should shape the product or system to a state which can be shipped.

Another scrum artifact is product backlog. Product backlog includes the complete list of the functionality that needs to be added to the product as per the requirement. The product owner keeps updating the product backlog so that the team always works on them on a priority basis.

Few other scrum artifacts are the sprint burndown chart and release burndown chart. Burndown is the part of task left in a sprint. It alarms if the task could be finished within the stipulated time.