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What are the key components of a Scrum Product Backlog

Posted by SCRUMstudy® on July 18, 2024

Categories: Agile Product Owner SBOK® Guide Scrum Scrum Team

What are the key components of a Scrum Product Backlog

The Scrum Product Backlog is a crucial component of the Scrum framework, functioning as a dynamic, ordered list of everything that is needed to improve the product. Managed by the Product Owner, it includes user stories, bug fixes, and other work items prioritized based on their value and urgency.

The Program Product Owner develops the Program Product Backlog which contains a prioritized list of high level business and project requirements preferably written in the form of large Program Backlog Items. These are later refined by the Product Owners of individual projects as they create and prioritize Product Backlogs for their projects. These Prioritized Product Backlogs have much smaller but detailed User Stories that can be approved, estimated, and committed by individual Scrum Teams.

The Program Product Backlog is continuously refined by the Program Product Owner to ensure that new business requirements are added and existing requirements are properly documented and prioritized. This ensures that the most valuable requirements in meeting the program’s objectives are prioritized as high and the remaining are given a lower priority.

The Program Product Backlog created for the program presents a larger picture of all projects that are part of the program. Therefore, it can provide significant guidance regarding project goals, scope, objectives, and the expected business benefits.

Similar to the Project Product Backlog, the Program Product Backlog may also undergo periodic refining to incorporate changes and new requirements. Changes to the Program Product Backlog can result from changes in either external or internal conditions. External conditions might include changing business scenarios, technology trends, or legal compliance requirements. Internal factors affecting the Program Product Backlog could be related to modifications in organizational strategy or policies, Identified Risks and other factors. Changes in requirements in the Program Product Backlog often impact the Project Product Backlogs of underlying projects, so they should be taken into account during the Refine Prioritized Product Backlog process.